Explity Music and KimberlaID present THE TIME HAS COME

Sam. 20 avril (00:00 — 07:00)
Préventes : 13€ — https://fr.ra.co/events/1883638
Tickets en vente sur place dans la limite disponible : 15€
For this edition, we celebrate the release of KimberlaID 1st solo EP, THE TIME HAS COME. You can listen to it on every platform : https://ffm.to/thetimehascome
“The Time Has Come is an ode to hardcore in all its rich sub-genres, but also a hybrid manifesto full of contrasts, both sonic and emotional.”
We curated this line up with fresh music, true to KimberlaID heart and inspirations : one of our fav live show we’ve seen last year was performed by Toulouse based beloved trinket, can’t wait to experience this one !! Waltur, Burenhinder founder, comes from Belgium to play B2B with Claude Murder, Casual Gabberz Records founder. Explity residents Talita Otović and Karlfroye will play B2B again, if you know, you know… Kevyn Charo will do her 1st ever DJ set and of course KimberlaID will play a solo set for her sweet ̶s̶i̶x̶t̶e̶e̶n̶ five tracks EP Party
Come and party the night away with lud music, lasers, exclusive merch and mre at Station Nord !
Hybrid hardcore producer and DJ. At the crossroads of her djing world, you will find a place where to pursue a core adventure. Depending on the path you follow, you might encounter some doomcore, gabber, industrial hardcore… harmonized with other of her current lighter favourite tracks. She blends a lot of subgenres together to build intensity and skirt expectations. Production wise, she navigates through harshness, distorsion and melodic emphasis while shaping contrast to bring elements out.
beloved trinket (live)
beloved trinket est artiste, musicienne et productrice basée en France.
Son premier deux tracks sorti en 2023 sur le Label Bruxellois CityLinks, dessine les prémices de ses horizons multiples. Traversant les genres en donnant vie à des échantillons éclectiques et des sonorités glanées dans les recoins dissimulés d'internet, elle aspire à mettre en valeur des choses souvent ignorées, cherchant à révéler le beau et l'éphémère qui se cache dans notre quotidien.
Waltur B2B Claude Murder
Ariana aka @walt.ur is an Antwerp-based gabber kick-loving DJ that manages @burenhinder , an all-female art and rave collective striving to give local female artists a platform.
Founding member and Artistic Director of Casual Gabberz, Claude Murder is the underdog of the Parisian crew that changed the face of hardcore. Able to oscillate his sets between dark hard music and classic gabber while remaining true to the hardcore spectrum, he shapes them in the image of his visual creations, adding layers, loops, saturating the space to prepare the audience for the apocalypse under an avalanche of kicks.Prepare yourself for a dive into the heart of core music that will surely lift the frantic bodies on the dancefloors.
Kevyn Charo (debut DJ set!!!)
Du hardcore, de l’amitié et des animatronics
Karlfroye B2B Talita Otović
Karlfroye is a producer, artist and DJ from the south of France. She sets up narrative tracks and mixs that are created in a fantasy and a collapsed world environments, across the tones of hardcore and reggaeton. You will be able to hear a melancholy of a post-internet future through her music that speaks of love.
Talita Otović is a Paris based producer, live performer, artist, DJ and part of the label Explity. In her musical choices Talita offers a real sound aesthetic, both virulent and emotive, fueled by the energy of hardcore, its penchant for cinematic soundtracks or less known genre like turbo folk. She defend an eclectic vision of music going through gabber, idm, techno, spoken words and many sound practices such as installations, field recording and scoring. Talita's productions are filled with a personal strength and an aura that is tinged with her ideas, her spirituality and her emotions.

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